Sunday, June 15, 2008

Daniel in the snow

Here is my baby in the snow. I just love all my kids so much. well I will blog again later. its getting late and i have to get the kids ready for school.

The Three Stooges

Here is My daughter Megan and her two best friends Anna and Tammy. They were trying some face creamer to make their faces smooth. What are you suppose to tell 13 year olds. thay dont listen to anything


Here is his birthday cake that we picked for him. He loved it very much.

Daniels 6th birthday

Here he is opening presents with me his nana and his cousin zack. he got alot of stuff for his birthday.

Daniels 6th birthday

Here is Daniel hitting the pinata waiting for the candy and goodies to fall out of it.

One of the kids

This is my crazy cat mickey. He will pretty much let the kids do what ever to him and he just lays there. Hes a very mellow cat. I love him.

This is my son Daniel with abot 30 pounds of clothes on him. He can barely walk. It was so funny. We couldn't stop laughing at him.

Friday, June 6, 2008

here is Tammy, Paul and the boys at their championship game that they won

Thursday, June 5, 2008

This is after the crash before it came to my house.

This is what happened to the house after the crash. Dad was so mad.

These are pictures of the house before the crash.

Here is one of dad acting like he is not having fun. He cut is finger open the week before the dance. He had soo much fun and he was even the first one in line for the cake cuz gary, megan and i were dancing.

here is my dad and i at the father daughter dance. Here is my other half and my daughter at the dance. Don't we all look like we are having soo much fun in our crowns.

Here is my son Garrett and no he does not have blonde hair. He got into his grandmas halloween stuff when we were there for christmas this last past year.

Here is Megan and her Poppa. This is the doll house he built for his princess. I will post some pics of the doll house from the first attempt at finishing it. They are pics from the great fall that it took. He was so mad. HE HE

This is my youngest getting an award for student of the month. The little blonde sitting next to him gave him a kiss in the slide on their last field trip. I think it is his girlfriend. HA HA